
On this page you can find my list of publications.

Scientific Publications

  1. Flavour and Higgs physics in Z2-symmetric 2HD models near the decoupling limit

    Arturo de Giorgi (Madrid, Autonoma U. and Madrid, IFT), Fotis Koutroulis (Warsaw U.), Luca Merlo (Madrid, Autonoma U. and Madrid, IFT), Stefan Pokorski (Warsaw U.)

    e-Print: 2304.10560 [hep-ph], DOI: 10.1016/j.nuclphysb.2023.116323 (publication)

    Published in: Nucl.Phys.B 994 (2023), 116323

  2. Probing HNL-ALP couplings at colliders

    Arturo de Giorgi (Madrid, IFT), Luca Merlo (Madrid, IFT), Jean-Loup Tastet (Madrid, IFT)

    e-Print: 2212.11290 [hep-ph],DOI: 10.1002/prop.202300027 (publication)

    Published in: Fortsch.Phys. 71 (2023) 4-5, 2300027

  3. A lesson from $R_{\tau\tau}^{K^{(\ast)}}$ and $R_{\nu\nu}^{K^{(\ast)}}$ at Belle II

    Arturo de Giorgi (Madrid, IFT), Gioacchino Piazza (IJCLab, Orsay)

    e-Print: 2211.05595 [hep-ph]

  4. Neutral $B$-anomalies from an $\mathit{on\text{-}shell}$ scalar exchange

    Jesus Bonilla (Madrid, IFT), Arturo de Giorgi (Madrid, IFT), Maria Ramos (Madrid, IFT)

    e-Print: 2211.05135 [hep-ph]

  5. The Low-Scale Seesaw Solution to the $M_W$ and $(g-2)_\mu$ Anomalies

    Arturo de Giorgi (Madrid, IFT), Luca Merlo (Madrid, IFT), Stefan Pokorski (Warsaw U.)

    e-Print: 2211.03797 [hep-ph], DOI: 10.1002/prop.202300020

    Published in: Fortsch.Phys. 71 (2023) 4-5, 2300020

  6. The cost of an ALP solution to the neutral B-anomalies

    J. Bonilla (Madrid, IFT), A. de Giorgi (Madrid, IFT), B. Gavela (Madrid, IFT), L. Merlo (Madrid, IFT), M. Ramos (Madrid, IFT)

    e-Print: 2209.11247 [hep-ph], DOI: 10.1007/JHEP02(2023)138

    Published in: JHEP 02 (2023), 138

  7. Warm dark matter from a gravitational freeze-in in extra dimensions

    Arturo de Giorgi (Madrid, IFT and Madrid, Autonoma U.), Stefan Vogl (Freiburg U.)

    e-Print: 2208.03153 [hep-ph], DOI:10.1007/JHEP04(2023)032

    Published in: JHEP 04 (2023),032

  8. Searching for BSM physics in Yukawa couplings and flavour symmetries

    J. Alonso-Gonzalez (Madrid, IFT), A. de Giorgi (Madrid, IFT), L. Merlo (Madrid, IFT), S. Pokorski (Warsaw U.)

    e-Print: 2109.07490 [hep-ph], DOI: 10.1007/JHEP05(2022)041

    Published in: JHEP 05 (2022), 041

  9. Dark matter interacting via a massive spin-2 mediator in warped extra-dimensions

    Arturo de Giorgi (Munich, Max Planck Inst.), Stefan Vogl (Munich, Max Planck Inst. and Freiburg U.)

    e-Print: 2105.06794 [hep-ph], DOI: 10.1007/JHEP11(2021)036

    Published in: JHEP 11 (2021), 036

  10. Unitarity in KK-graviton production: A case study in warped extra-dimensions

    A. de Giorgi (Munich, Max Planck Inst.), S. Vogl (Munich, Max Planck Inst. and Freiburg U.)(Dec 17, 2020)

    e-Print: 2012.09672 [hep-ph], DOI: 10.1007/JHEP04(2021)143

    Published in: JHEP 04 (2021), 143


  1. Physics, following the Breadcrumbs of our Intuition

    A. de Giorgi (Madrid, IFT), (Feb 08, 2022)

    Abstract: Despite the fact that the study of Nature started from what we can perceive with our senses, over the centuries it has proved increasingly "counterintuitive", revealing phenomena inconceivable to the very same senses, challenging and ultimately surpassing our imagination. How is it possible that scientific research can go on despite this? How can physicists appreciate and study the unimaginable? Above all, how can we trust what we cannot see? These questions are the lighthouse of our journey through some of the most curious phenomena that Nature can offer us.

    Published at: